A new publication has just seen the light. It is titled “Carl Justi and Spanish Art” and is signed by three authors: Antonio Bonet Correa (emeritus professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and honorary director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando), Henrik Karge (doctor in Art History, professor at the Technische Universität Dresden and member of the presidency of the Carl Justi Vereinigung). and Jorge Maier Allende, president of the Association of Friends of DAI.
The shortlist has had the institutional support of the Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica – http://www.ceeh.es/ editor of this ambitious 310-page work – in addition to the collaboration of our Association, the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando and the Carl Justi Association (Carl Justi Vereinigung). For only 28.85 euros, you can buy this work on the prominent art historian Carl Justi, a 19th-century Hispanophile whose most important contribution was the biography of Johann Joachim Winckelmann.
Carl Justi was also a fan of Spanish art. One of his most outstanding works was Velázquez and his century, whose first German edition (1888) constituted the first modern scientific study on the painter and his work, which is still being published and read today. Interest in the writings of this eminent Hispanist remains alive, as shown by the reissue of Misceláneas de three centuries de la vida artistic española, which brings together his most outstanding studies on the subject.
On the occasion of the anniversary of his death, we wanted to pay tribute to his memory from a double Spanish-German perspective, to deepen the knowledge of his? figure, his work and his peculiar style, as well as his influence on Spain and Germany of his time.